martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

4/52: Happy Valentine's Day

... to all of you. 
And Happy Birthday to Me :)

For this special day I decided to go to Picadilly Circus and look for lovely people to photograph. A little bit Love Actually inspired, I must admit :P
A HUGE THANK YOU to each one of the faces featuring in this composition :) you were very nice and I hope you had a great Valentine's Day!

Esta foto va especialmente dedicada a todas esas personas que tengo en Madrid y con las que no pude pasar mi cumpleaños ayer. A mi familia y amigos, me habría encantado veros. Me acordé mucho de vosotros y os eché mucho de menos, pero me consta que vosotros también pensásteis en mí, y eso me quitaba las penas :) ¡Mil Gracias! Os quiero mucho.

And, besides, my heart is divided in two and I have to say another big Thank You to all my friends here in London, my "second family", for looking after me, for your presents, for celebrating that day with me and for making me feel loved and in good company :) You know who you are. And you are awesome. Thanks! Gracias! love you all!

And today, because of Valentine's and my Birthday I have the perfect double excuse to link my Favorite (Love) Song of all times...
Gosh, I want to be loved like that.

¡Gracias por leer! ¡Nos vemos la semana que viene!
¡¡Que tengáis siempre mucho AMOR!! :) 
Thanks for reading! See you all next week!
Hope you'll always have LOVE!! :)